The economics of AI-powered dev efficiency
AI isn't all hype — there are real productivity gains. Why isn't it showing up in the numbers?
All of my long-form thoughts on creating products, sales, marketing, and startups, collected in chronological order.
AI isn't all hype — there are real productivity gains. Why isn't it showing up in the numbers?
Building a tool to detect client side rendering with v0 in minutes.
That’s not flying, that’s just falling with style.
Avoid the trap I fell in to.
Why Next.js is still a good pick in 2024
Everything I’ve learned about going to market with a developer focused SaaS.
How much should I bite off for an ambitious side project?
The recommendations on this page are powered by OpenAI embeddings and PineconeDB
Go to market teams and software is about to massively change.
Whisper is already better than most paid transcription services and it is free.
Learning sales is hard, but it's critical for your business to succeed.
Averages are hard to beat. Plan accordingly.
Make the abstract real
It's not as hard as you think it is — you just need to help them implement your software.
Shipping with time constraints
The default option.
On time boxing and boundaries.
Doing things that last.
Correlation where you think there isn't any is a huge cause of blow-up risk.
Airplane WiFi and SaaS database solutions don't get along well. Here's the fix.
Ecommerce is hard. Here's a path to making it easier, at least technically.
Fetching data is a core piece of every web application. Let's talk about the OG data fetching function of Next.js — getInitialProps.
TailwindUI layouts and Next.js styling issues
A runing list of all the sales engineering problems I have encountered and potential solutions.
The stair-step approach for profitable side projects
Cron jobs are the first tool I reach for when needing to automate a simple part of a project. Here's how I set them up in a Next.js app hosted on Vercel.
Looking for a new side project and like Gumroad? I've got the perfect project for you — and you can get started for free.
I've been a big fan of Vercel for years now, and I'm excited to announce I'm joining the team this month.
Longer review coming soon. TLDR; Gravity is great.
This was one of my favorite All-In podcast episodes. There was a short 30-second clip from Chamath that sticks in my head.
Seven highlights from YC's Michael Seibel advice for IndieHackers.
There's good debt and bad debt. Here's a look at technical debt through a financial lens. Believe it or not, some technical debt is good.
Testing, testing, mic check two one two.
Looking for a backend as a service? You probably haven't heard of Supabase, but you should. It's my default choice when building new businesses.
I struggled through integrating with Google Ad Manager for weeks at work. Here are my notes.
Google Analytics is a great tool, but there are plenty of new privacy-friendly paid options. Should you use them? Maybe, maybe not.
Don't waste your weekend writing boilerplate. Ship meaningful code on your side projects with help from these great tools.
Should you buy your first SaaS? Maybe. Quite a few others have. Instafeed API is a tool I debated buying.
A paradigm shift is here for performance monitoring. Learn about how Vitals will make collaboration, analytics, and the web better.
How to do micro-frontends on Vercel with a single domain.
Making it easy to write my blog by making the backend powered by Notion as the CMS.
A Next.js job board.
Next.js Conf 2020 revealed Next 10 along with some other great work.
Next.js makes monitoring Core Web Vitals simple.
Patience is a virtue, but so is actually building something. Lay a brick every day.
Core Web Vitals are a game changer for web performance monitoring. Here's an intro to how to monitor them.
Next.js is my default choice when starting a new project, big or small. Here's why I think you should use it, pros and cons included.
Next goes static, the death of custom servers (on Vercel), and serverless function recipes.
My first Next.js newsletter went out this week. Here's what was in it.
Divjoy can help you generate a Next.js starter and get your side project finished faster.
Avoiding what you shouldn't work on is easier than knowing what to work on, but it's a start.
Don't let tech decisions get in the way of blogging about tech.
Maybe constant notifications aren't a good thing?
Setting up a new domain and configuring email is often the first step in starting a project.
Either pick new tech to learn or use tech you know to build fast.
How to use analytics to build what your users actually want.
You probably know who Naval is. Here are my notes from his 3+ hour long podcast about his Tweet thread on "How to get rich without being lucky".
Childhood memories, health, and learning to include others.
Deciding your tech stack is difficult, especially on side projects. Why? Guilt from knowing "the right way."